
How to keep your Get & Post ViewModels DRY

I’ve been convinced that I should not be using the same view model class for both loading the view and the posted controller action parameter. The trouble is it allows data to be transferred back which may not be necessary and it needlessly increases our attack surface. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had unit tests specifically monitoring that only necessary view model properties are being pushed back to the entity model, but still, seperate viewmodels will allow me to eliminate that risk completely and even remove those tests. To be honest, the idea of having 2 view model classes that are nearly identical is not very appealing, especially given that if the structure deviates, the default model binder will no longer work with those properties which are out of sync with its partner view model. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very liberal when it comes to class quantities, but this was enough to make me uncomfortable. So I’m happy that I realized the post view model class can always be used as a base class for the get view model class. I mean it has to be in order for the default model binder to work. Using inheritance for these classes will a) keep these classes in sync so the default model binder will always work, b) follow the DRY principle and c) keep my sanity. In a nutshell, rather than having 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 public class FooViewModel { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public FooStatusEnum Status { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } }public class FooViewModel { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public FooStatusEnum Status { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } } We can instead have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 public class FooPostViewModel { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } }   public class FooGetViewModel : FooPostViewModel { public FooStatusEnum Status { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } }public class FooPostViewModel { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } public class FooGetViewModel : FooPostViewModel { public FooStatusEnum Status { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } } So FooGetViewModel is loaded and passed into the view.... read more

Discovering Typemock

Frustration mocking static methods, the ridiculous hoops I was forced to jump through, and the clean implementation I was finally able to do with Typemock.

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What is too simple and small to refactor? (Clean Code Experience No. 2)

Shortly after reading Clean Code, I refactored the data access layer from a project I was working on, and was amazed by how much the code improved. It really was night and day. My first clean code refactoring experience was an obvious improvement.

I was still on that clean code high, when a little function entered my life that I was compelled to refactor. This one left me questioning the limits of what I should refactor and if my refactor even qualified as clean.

I’d like to share that second experience with you in this post.

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Visual Studio Bug – ‘if’ followed by a try / catch causes debugger stepping error

Yesterday I was debugging and stepped into a method. I wanted to get past my parameter validation checks and into the meat of the method, so I quickly, F10’d my way down the method, but I noticed a line of code was stepped on which should not have been touched. The code was a simple parameter validation like: 1 2 if (enumerableObj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerableObj");if (enumerableObj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerableObj"); with several similar parameter validation lines above it and a try/catch block containing the meat of the method below it. The odd thing was, I thought I saw the debugger step on the throw statement even though the enumerableObj should have had a value. I assumed I had somehow passed in a null value to the enumerableObj parameter and had nearly missed the problem in my haste. I had been moving quickly, so quickly in fact that I had stepped about 3 more lines into the method before I even stopped. To be honest at this point, I wasn’t even sure if I saw it step into the ‘if’ block, so I repositioned my debug cursor back to the ‘if’ condition, and stepped again. Sure enough, it stepped into the ‘if’ block. I assumed I passed in a null parameter, but when I evaluated enumerableObj, it was set, what’s more, evaluating the entire enumerableObj == null expression resulted in false, as expected. But why the heck was I being stepped into the ‘if’ block when the ‘if’ condition was false? I retried it again, just in case the enumerableObj had somehow been set as a result of a side effect somewhere, but even then, it still stepped into the ‘if’ block. So, I did the standard stuff; cleaned my solution, deleted my bin and obj directories, reopening the solution, restarted Visual Studio, & rebooted, all the while rebuilding and retesting the project with each change. Nothing seemed to work. I even cut & pasted my code into notepad, then cut & pasted from notepad back into Visual Studio to ensure there was no hidden characters in my files.* None of this worked, so I started commenting out code in the method, and eventually was able to isolate it to the above code failing if, and only if, it was followed by a try / catch block. Seriously! If the try / catch block was there, it would step onto the throw statement even though it should... read more

Hey #region haters; Why all the fuss?

I hear a lot of programmers saying #regions are a code smell. From programmers I don’t know to celebrity programmers, while the development community appears to be passionately split.* The haters definitely have a point about it being used to hide ugly code, but when I open a class and see this, it just looks elegant to me. Now none of these regions are hiding thousands of lines of ugly code, actually, most of these regions contain only 3 properties and/or methods and the last curly brace is on line 299. So the whole thing with 17 properties and methods including comments and whitespace is only 300 LOC. … really, how much of a mess could I possibly be hiding? To me, the only question is whether I should have this functionality in the ContainerPageBase or the MasterPageBase**. You may also notice the regions I have are not of the Fields / Constructors / Events / Properties / Methods variety. It has taken some time for me to accept that all data members (aka fields) do not need to be at the top of the class as I was classically trained to do and that perhaps grouping them by functionality is a better idea. This philosophy only makes regions that much more valuable. … is anybody still here? …. have I converted anyone? 😉 * These posts are fairly old, but in my experience in the developer community; the consensus hasn’t changed. ** The Database Connection & Current User regions may have some scratching their heads. There are valid reasons for them, however the Data Connection region will never be included at this level again. More on that in a future post. Copyright © John MacIntyre 2010, All rights... read more

7 Features I Wish C# Had

…I couldn’t come up with 10 things I hate about C#, so I’m going to settle for 7 features I’d like to see. There may be good reasons why we don’t have some of them, but here’s my list anyway…

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How To Write Dynamic SQL AND Prevent SQL Injection Attacks

One of my pet peeves is when general rules are taken as gospel, and declared as the only acceptable practice regardless of the circumstance. One of the big ones is Dynamic SQL. There’s a heck of a good reason for this, and it’s called an SQL Injection Attack, and if you are not familiar with it, I would strongly urge you to leave this post right now, and read up on it. Anyway, Dynamic SQL is not inherently evil, it’s the appending of user entered text that is evil. Appending user entered text is just lazy and can be easily avoided with parameterization. The trick is to create dynamic SQL …

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