Nov 14, 2009
Thoughts grow to tweets, then blogs, then they just die
I’ll often want to Tweet something, but feel the need to explain further in a second Tweet. But something in that will need explaining, so it occurs to me that I really need a blog post. But then I realize I should probably post this as 2 or more separate posts to isolate ideas and keep them self contained and just link between them. Then I realize I’ve got work to do, and drop it till I have time … … which never comes and my thought dies having never lived. *Even this one tweet expanded into a blog... read more
Nov 11, 2009
… so I can worry about curly braces
I just wanted to take this Remembrance Day opportunity to thank all the Canadian soldiers, past & present, living & dead, along with those of our allies, for your dedication & sacrifice. Thank you for fighting for our liberties so we can worry about the more important things like; litterbugs, dynamic vs. static programming languages, and the endless irrelevant debates about curly braces. This image taken by Andrew... read more