Oct 3, 2010
The UI programmers (not so) secret weapon
An Example: Suppose you had software which matches buyers and sellers, and new users are created via a ‘new user’ wizard[1]. Let’s say the wizard has 4 pages for Basic User Info, Review, Processing, and Completion Status Report. And there are 5 buttons; Cancel, Previous, Next, Run, and Finish. Cancel is displayed from the Basic User Info, Review, and Processing pages. Previous is displayed from the Review page. Next is displayed from the Basic User Info page. Run is displayed from the Review page. Finish is displayed from the Completion Status Report page. This isn’t difficult to manage the display from the events[2] right? Well … in reality, it doesn’t take much of a change for your simple display functionality to become … The Problem Manipulating application display during events quickly turns into a complex, bug riddled, difficult to maintain, mess. It may not seem like that big of a deal when you have only a few controls and a very simple (or no) workflow. Actually, you may argue, managing visual display in the events may even seem like the most efficient strategy. After all, you will never display, disable, or otherwise needlessly manipulate a control, but as your application grows more complex, this...
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Sep 19, 2010
My week (09/18/2010)
Blog Posts Earlier this week I posted What is too simple and small to refactor? about a follow up to my first Clean Code experience where I took a very small function, and refactored it. In the end I was truly questioning; how small is too small to refactor? This post received quite a bit of a response, including a response from Uncle Bob Martin and several refactors from Cliff Mees, Neal Blomfield (his response), Cory Fowler, Ben Alabaster begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and even Jon Skeet. My Twitter Worth Mentioning(?) “..I’d explain why, but I have to, like, go put on lipstick.”-@aalear responding to a comment “females are too busy being beautiful” #gogirl 8:25 PM Sep 15th My recent blog posts have generated a lot of feedback among my friends & colleagues. I’m glad. It’s a great conversation. 12:09 AM Sep 15th I’m going to create a restaurant review site & call it StickyTables.com 12:51 PM Sep 13th “Clean Code is a design philosophy more than a naming convention.” – me #justQuotedMyself #dealWithIt 😉 12:36 PM Sep 13th If somebody says my code sucks & they’ll redo it, I’d be hurt. But for my design, I’m relieved. #msPaintSucks 😉 10:56 AM Sep 13th Just saw a...
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Sep 14, 2010
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What is too simple and small to refactor? (Clean Code Experience No. 2)
Shortly after reading Clean Code, I refactored the data access layer from a project I was working on, and was amazed by how much the code improved. It really was night and day. My first clean code refactoring experience was an obvious improvement.
I was still on that clean code high, when a little function entered my life that I was compelled to refactor. This one left me questioning the limits of what I should refactor and if my refactor even qualified as clean.
I’d like to share that second experience with you in this post.
Sep 10, 2010
Procedure Like Object Oriented Programming
In a previous post What’s wrong with the Nouns/Adjective/Verb object oriented design strategy, I talked about how verbs should be implemented in their own separate class instead of as a method strapped onto an entity class. In my opinion, it’s an appropriate way to work with processes and pass those processes around, while keeping code flexible, testable, and highly maintainable. But it has led to comments on Twitter and a link to one of Steve Yegge’s post Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns. Basically, Steve said that turning verbs into nouns was a bad idea (at least that’s what I think he was getting at, there were a lot of metaphors in there :-). It’s easy to see Yegge’s point of view, if you just leave it at that. After all turning your single line of code accessing those actions 1 commentData.Insert(cn);commentData.Insert(cn); into multiple lines of calling code, when you move the logic into its own class, 1 2 3 4 using (CommentInsertCommand insCmd = new CommentInsertCommand(cn)) { insCmd.Execute(commentData); }using (CommentInsertCommand insCmd = new CommentInsertCommand(cn)) { insCmd.Execute(commentData); } definitely sucks. So why not add a static method to the process class so you can access it with a single, procedural like, call? 1 2...
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Aug 24, 2010
My Clean Code Experience No. 1 (with before and after code examples)
Public Code Review Robert C. Martin was kind enough to review the code in this post at on his new blog Clean Coder. Be sure to read his review when you finish reading this post. Introduction After expressing an interest in reading Robert C Martin‘s books, one of my Twitter followers was kind enough to give me a copy of Uncle Bob’s book Clean Code as a gift*. This post is about my first refactoring experience after reading it and the code resulting from my first Clean Code refactor. Sample code The code used in this post is based on the data access layer (DAL) used in a side project I’m currently working on. Specifically, my sample project is based on a refactor on the DAL classes for comment data. The CommentData class and surrounding code was simplified for the example, in order to focus on the DAL’s refactoring, rather than the comment functionality. Of course; the comment class could be anything. Download the my clean code refactor sample project (VS2008) Please notice: 1. The database can be generated from the script in the SQL folder 2. This code will probably make the most sense if you step through it 3. This blog post...
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